Stepan Dostal - Veronika Liskova

General information

Stepan Dostal   (10055746)
Veronika Liskova   (10085335)
Dancing for
Czech Republic
Joined on
16 September 2023
Current age group
Current status

10. in Adult - Ten Dance with 126 points

76. in Adult - Latin with 909 points

76. in Adult - Standard with 907 points


About these rankings.

About these rankings

The competitions marked below in golden color show the ones that will be included for the calculation of your WorldRanking.

The WorldRanking is calculated once per day and includes only confirmed results.

Should the sum of points below NOT be the same as in your WorldRanking please be patient and wait for the next calculation of the WorldRanking.

Excused19 May 2024OpenStandardAdultBrno-Šlapanice - Czech Republic
10.18219 May 2024International OpenLatinAdultBrno-Šlapanice - Czech Republic
39.37105 May 2024GrandSlamStandardAdultCalvià - Spain
44.30504 May 2024GrandSlamLatinAdultCalvià - Spain
3.12630 March 2024OpenTen DanceAdultPistoia - Italy
7.8416 December 2023OpenLatinAdultWroclaw - Poland
6.9616 December 2023OpenStandardAdultWroclaw - Poland
9.6925 November 2023OpenLatinAdultCarlow - Ireland
1.10525 November 2023OpenStandardAdultCarlow - Ireland
6.22405 November 2023International OpenLatinAdultUsti nad Labem - Czech Republic
14.8004 November 2023International OpenStandardAdultUsti nad Labem - Czech Republic
71.4501 October 2023GrandSlamLatinAdultBelgrade - Serbia
57.4530 September 2023GrandSlamStandardAdultBelgrade - Serbia
7.21024 September 2023International OpenStandardAdultSzombathely - Hungary
10.16023 September 2023International OpenLatinAdultSzombathely - Hungary