Domenico Grenci - Marianna Agostino

General information

Domenico Grenci   (10050925)
Marianna Agostino   (10050926)
Dancing for
Joined on
01 January 2010
Current age group
Senior I
Current status

56. in Senior I - Latin with 520 points


About these rankings.

About these rankings

The competitions marked below in golden color show the ones that will be included for the calculation of your WorldRanking.

The WorldRanking is calculated once per day and includes only confirmed results.

Should the sum of points below NOT be the same as in your WorldRanking please be patient and wait for the next calculation of the WorldRanking.

4.27531 March 2024OpenLatinSenior ICambrils - Spain
13.24512 August 2023OpenLatinSenior IStuttgart - Germany
92.4314 July 2019GrandSlamLatinAdultRimini - Italy
78.2110 February 2018International OpenLatinAdultAversa - Italy
31.09 February 2018OpenLatinRising StarsAversa - Italy
48.2312 November 2017International OpenLatinAdultBudrio - Italy
45.2208 October 2017International OpenLatinAdultVigevano - Italy
36.3528 May 2017International OpenLatinAdultFaenza - Italy
27.3127 May 2017International OpenLatinAdultParis - France
147.1926 March 2017World OpenLatinAdultPieve Di Cento - Italy
62.1919 February 2017International OpenLatinAdultPrato - Italy
63.1922 January 2017International OpenLatinAdultJesi - Italy
39.2918 December 2016International OpenLatinAdultFerrara - Italy
68.1906 November 2016International OpenLatinAdultBudrio - Italy
No show09 October 2016International OpenLatinAdultVigevano - Italy
122.1813 March 2016World OpenLatinAdultPieve Di Cento - Italy
69.11 March 2016OpenLatinRising StarsPieve Di Cento - Italy
74.2122 March 2014International OpenLatinAdultPieve di Cento - Italy
43.21 March 2014OpenLatinRising StarsPieve di Cento - Italy
42.6607 October 2012World OpenLatinAdultAncona - Italy
42.06 October 2012OpenLatinRising StarsAncona - Italy
27.1325 February 2012OpenLatinAdultSicilia - Italy
67.2012 February 2012International OpenLatinAdultBassano - Italy
46.11 February 2012OpenLatinRising StarsBassano - Italy
63.1703 December 2011International OpenLatinAdultSalou - Spain
42.02 December 2011OpenLatinRising StarsSalou - Spain
43.06 November 2011OpenLatinRising StarsPieve di Cento - Italy
79.05 November 2011International OpenLatinAdultPieve di Cento - Italy
39.3315 October 2011International OpenLatinAdultAncona - Italy
30.14 October 2011OpenLatinRising StarsAncona - Italy
39.1326 February 2011OpenLatinAdultCatania - Italy
98.1606 November 2010International OpenLatinAdultPieve di Cento - Italy
62.05 November 2010OpenLatinRising StarsPieve di Cento - Italy
46.2023 October 2010OpenLatinAdultMonza - Italy
44.1910 October 2010OpenLatinAdultAncona - Italy